AAMA is a mixed use building located in Bethlehem. The building will include a store, a restaurant, a yoga center, and two houses. The programmatic components are layered throughout the building with the public components located in the “plinth” and the private houses on the top floors. The volume disintegrates progressively, with large span spaces in the first floors, and the two houses sitting on a landscape. AAMA integrates different scales of the city in a carved vertical building and generates functional links in between the different spaces. The fragmentation of the building allows an insertion in a residential area of Beit Sahour and creates a strong scale link with neighboring constructions. The internal spaces are designed to be flexible and open to transformation in time. One important aspect of the design process was to integrate in the initial thinking future uses to the floors.
Access to the building is organized from two different ends, one entry is dedicated to the public functions such as the restaurant, the yoga center and the store, and a more intimate entry will be reserved to the two houses.