AAU ANASTAS’ research department ‘Scales’, and the GSA Lab of ENSA Paris-Malaquais are examining the use of three-dimensional free-form stone vaults in Palestine. The results of the research will be used for the construction of the el-Atlal residency in Jericho.
Created in the summer of 2014, el-Atlal (the Ruins) is a cultural network that aims to support artistic exchanges between Palestine and the world. The project will be implemented in Jericho.
Neighboring Hisham’s Palace in Jericho, the multi-use space is designed as a common space opened to its environment.
The project consists of a roof controlling the wind and the climate with the objective of creating adequate and comfortable conditions in a dry region like Jericho.
The town-houses occupy an agricultural lot overlooking the mountains of temptation in Jericho
Located in Jericho, on a longitudinal parcel, the project is subdivided into several programs: a boutique hotel, connected to a health club, and a shop