• Caritas Baby Hospital
  • About

    The outpatient clinic volume concept completed the existing buildings, as a missing puzzle piece, and is integrated in its environment. It consists of ovelapping stone cubes, taking into consideration the existing environment and context. The new addition is dissimulated in the existing volume and no distinction can be seen between new and old structures. All public funtions are situated on the groud floor level, and are completely exposed through the transparent facades. The inside was treated as an open space outpa- tient clinic, interacting with the patios, terraces and gardens. A central bay station insures the functionnality and the easy flow of patients and the linking to the diagnostic center. AAU is currently managing the construction site of a 2,400 sqm foreign staff residential building at the hospital compound.

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Bethlehem Palestine

79 Caritas Street Bethlehem

T +972 (2) 2741255
F +972 (2) 2741333


Paris France

4, rue Robert de Flers 75015

T +33(6) 81 08 20 82


Bethlehem Palestine

T +972 (5) 05200399
F +972 (2) 2741333


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