— By Scales


A film by Mikaela Burstow

Music credits:
Dancing Tiger – Damscray.
String Quartet no.2 in B minor – IV. Allegro furioso, Joseph Miroslav Weber, performed by Steve’s Bedroom Band.
Wiener Blut Op.354 Waltz, Johann Baptist Strauss, from the European Archive.
Faster Does – Kevin MacLeod.

Stonematters, prototype 01

Stone matters is built on an innovative construction principle allowing for unprecedented forms for such structures. The architectural innovation is born from structural morphology and stereotomy. The vault covers a surface of 60 m2 and spans 7 meters with a constant depth of 12 cm. The geometry follows the shape of a minimal surface on which geodesic lines are drawn and set the pattern of the interlocking stones. The whole structure is made of 300 mutually supported unique stone pieces.

Program: Prototype of massive stone vault
Area: 62 m2
Location: Jericho, Palestine
Architects: AAU ANASTAS
Research lab: SCALES and GSA Lab ENSA Paris-Malaquais
Status: Completed on March 18, 2017
Funded with the support of: Consulat général de France à Jérusalem, Campus France, AAU ANASTAS, ENSA Paris-Malaquais, el-Atlal


Bethlehem Palestine

79 Caritas Street Bethlehem

T +972 (2) 2741255
F +972 (2) 2741333


Paris France

4, rue Robert de Flers 75015

T +33(6) 81 08 20 82


Bethlehem Palestine

T +972 (5) 05200399
F +972 (2) 2741333


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